25 September 2012

If I Only Had the Balls

So here I was working on an entry on food (shout out to all the FBers assisting, but especially Jennifer for passing the word along on her page) and SF-ninja Mark Bould posted this cartoon:
And it just so happens that one of my early conference presentations was about The Wizard of Oz and was entitled "If I Only Had some Balls". I forget the subtitle, but I think I dropped that one off my resume (aka Curriculum Vitae) at some point. I probably should put it back now that I am a full professor and have tenure (and crayons, which is another matter, but I do like crayons). That said the literalness of this little gem (go Mike!) is haunting. I'd like to see that movie. Is Terry Gilliam still making movies? My argument went something like this:

Wants                   Symbolically Represents
A Brain                  Intelligence
A Heart                  Emotions
??                          Courage

Taking the male body from top to bottom, what does the cowardly lion want?

And before anyone who knows me well asks: yes, I have finally found a way to recycle every single idea I have ever had! I love blogging. Academic publishing can bite me--excepting those editors who will soon see more stuff from me, of course.

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