08 October 2012

The Intergalactic Cockfight: Laura Esquivel's The Law of Love

Laura Esquivel is best known as the author of Como Agua Para Chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate, published 1989) which was made into an award-winning movie by the same name (1992). I have taught the book and the film in my Love and Death class (ENG102) and the students generally love it. However, my favorite novel by Esquivel is her second: La Ley del Amor (The Law of Love, 1994) which is a whacky futuristic, sci-fi (yes, I have to use both of those for this novel), mythological, multi-genre, multi-media work with graphic novel segments set to music with the included CD. I shit you not.

The Law of Love is some serious crazy (used here as a noun) featuring reincarnation, body swapping, flashbacks to Mexico's ancient past, and a space voyage on a Mexican starship named The Intergalactic Cockfight. Yes. You heard correctly: The Intergalactic Cockfight. That is just so brilliant I am going to reread the novel and write something about it. I'll probably author the Wikipedia entry on it as well since there is not one yet. Stay posted!

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